Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies





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Condiciones económicas 

Salary Range: $74,000-$82,000


The Department of Hispanic Studies seeks applicants for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor beginning August 2024 with expertise in Hispanic musical cultures and/or poetry from any period. An interest in teaching courses in secondary specializations, such as Spanish as a heritage language or Spanish for the professions, is highly desirable as our department expands our curriculum to address diverse student interests. The successful candidate must be able to teach across all levels of Spanish instruction. 

The successful candidate will offer courses in language at all levels and in specialty areas relating to Hispanic musical cultures and/or poetry, as well as courses that contribute to the College’s general education requirements. Our department is invested in community-engaged work with Walla Walla’s significant Spanish-speaking population alongside innovative student-centered research projects. The standard annual teaching load is five courses. 

The College provides a generous pre-tenure sabbatical leave program and professional development support for both research and teaching. The successful candidate will demonstrate potential to sustain an active scholarly or creative research agenda and to participate in faculty governance, mentorship, or other forms of service that contribute to the overall functioning of the college.

Whitman College is committed to fostering an inclusive learning community that values diverse identities, experiences, and perspectives.


The successful candidate must be able to teach across all levels of Spanish instruction. Applicants must have a Ph.D. by the start of the position.

Cómo solicitar 

The online application will prompt you to submit all of the required materials: a cover letter; curriculum vitae; separate statements addressing the candidate’s teaching interests and scholarly/performance agenda; graduate transcripts; and evidence of demonstrated or potential excellence in undergraduate instruction. The committee will solicit three letters of recommendation from applicants who reach the interview stage.

 In the cover letter, candidates should describe their interest in teaching undergraduates, majors as well as non-majors, at all levels of instruction. In doing so, candidates should address how their lived experiences and classroom and scholarly practices will advance equity and inclusion in the learning environment and help Whitman promote antiracist, systemic change.

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2023.


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