Bibliografía - justicia social

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La enseñanza del español comprometida con la justicia social debe operar en términos de accesibilidad, equidad y representatividad. Sin embargo, en la actualidad la organización de la educación lingüística se caracteriza, en general, por su naturaleza instrumentalista y por sus vínculos con el colonialismo y las políticas neoliberales. Con el objetivo de fomentar el diálogo sobre alternativas que fomenten la justicia social en el marco de la enseñanza del español, planteamos en primer lugar los retos a los que se enfrenta la disciplina para afrontar su descolonización y ofrecemos una panorámica de los enfoques que, desde posicionamientos interdisciplinares, buscan contribuir a este fin. En segundo lugar, a partir de las soluciones propuestas en los seis artículos que forman parte del monográfico que presentamos, aportamos recomendaciones para la restructuración de los currículos en este campo. Concluimos con una llamada a la reflexión-acción a investigadores y docentes especializados en la enseñanza del español, a quienes encomiamos a que contribuyan, a través de sus investigaciones y prácticas, a visualizar y ejercer la educación lingüística como una herramienta hacia la justicia y liberación social.


Spanish Language Teaching (SLT) committed to social justice must operate in terms of accessibility, equity, and representativeness. However, currently the organization of languages education is underpinned by an instrumentalist approach heavily influenced by colonialism and neoliberalism. With the aim of fostering the dialogue on alternatives to teaching Spanish that promote social justice, we discuss the challenges that the discipline faces to address its decolonization and we offer an overview of the interdisciplinary approaches that seek to contribute to that aim. Next, following the results and outcomes from the six papers included in this special issue, we put forward recommendations for restructuring curriculums, so they align with social justice aims. We conclude with a call for reflection-action to researchers and teachers specialized in SLT, whom we commend to contribute, through their research and practices, to visualizing and exercising linguistic education as a tool towards social justice and liberation.

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Microaggressions are subtle offensive mechanisms that can be intentional or unintentional (Pierce, 1970). For the past 50 years, researchers have documented their damaging effects on peoples’ mental and physical health. In this report, we focus on microaggressions in the Spanish classroom and with Latino/Latinx/Hispanic students, including their damaging effects within the context of changing demographics in the United States, how they impact our language classrooms, and how they can be mitigated through language curricula that promote intercultural citizenship. Also, we share strategies and suggestions to counter microaggressions in the language classroom, grounded in the assumption that to support socially just learning environments, educators must create a healthy atmosphere where all students feel safe, respected, and validated, and are held to high academic and civic standards. We believe that language teachers are uniquely positioned to create learning environments that model intercultural perspectives and foster the necessary openness to analyze and understand different perspectives as students advance their intercultural competence.

This study investigates 70 university participants’ selection of topic and acceptability relating to the explicit inclusion of social justice topics in intermediate language courses in universities in the United States. This study draws from the Critical Pedagogy and Task-Based Language Teaching as frameworks in the second language (L2) classroom. Participants enrolled in intermediate-level Spanish courses completed a series of projects in which tasks centered on social justice topics of their choosing. Qualitative data analysis revealed that language learners perceived the projects as opportunities to use real world, authentic language with the purpose of communicating in the target language. Learners reported that the incorporation of social justice in the L2 classroom provided new, meaningful learning while they developed greater awareness of issues affecting the world and acquired vocabulary and speaking skills. As a result of this study, findings support inclusion of social justice topics, even in lower-division courses.


Este estudio investiga la elección de tema y la aceptabilidad de 70 participantes universitarios con respecto a la inclusión explícita de temas relacionados con la justicia social en cursos de español como segunda lengua (L2) en universidades estadounidenses. El estudio se basa en la Pedagogía Crítica y el Enfoque por Tareas como marcos teóricos en la clase de español L2. Los participantes completaron proyectos en los que se abordaban temas de justicia social. Los datos cualitativos revelan que los aprendices percibieron los proyectos como oportunidades para emplear su L2 de manera auténtica. Los aprendices reportaron que la introducción de la justicia social en la clase de L2 proporcionaba un aprendizaje nuevo y significativo mientras desarrollaban su conocimiento de temas que afectan al conjunto de la sociedad a la vez que adquirían el vocabulario específico y reforzaban su competencia oral. Los datos de este estudio demuestran el impacto positivo de incluir temas de justicia social en cursos de nivel inicial.
