Observatorio IA - artículo

Comenzamos el artículo con la pregunta que le da título: ¿la Inteligencia Artificial sustituirá a los docentes?. Seguro que todos nos los hemos planteado alguna vez, especialmente en este último año y pico. Y es una pregunta que se hacen numerosos colectivos profesionales. ¿Hasta qué punto nuestros puestos de trabajo están en riesgo por la Inteligencia Artificial?
A.I. tools like ChatGPT did not boost the frequency of cheating in high schools, Stanford researchers say. According to new research from Stanford University, the popularization of A.I. chatbots has not boosted overall cheating rates in schools. In surveys this year of more than 40 U.S. high schools, some 60 to 70 percent of students said they had recently engaged in cheating — about the same percent as in previous years, Stanford education researchers said.
Eric W. Dolan PsyPost (15/12/2023)
Artificial intelligence chatbots exhibits similar biases to humans, according to new research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). The study suggests that AI tends to favor certain types of information over others, reflecting patterns seen in human communication. The motivation behind this research lies in the burgeoning influence of large language models like ChatGPT-3 in various fields. With the wide application of these AI systems, understanding how they might replicate human biases becomes crucial.
Stanford education scholars Victor Lee and Denise Pope discuss ongoing research into why and how often students cheat. The launch of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots has triggered an alarm for many educators, who worry about students using the technology to cheat by passing its writing off as their own. But two Stanford researchers say that concern is misdirected, based on their ongoing research into cheating among U.S. high school students before and after the release of ChatGPT.  
The use of generative AI tools on campus is an excellent opportunity for technology and other leaders to provide guidance to students, faculty, and staff about how to navigate these new technological waters. In April 2023, we were involved in a panel with students at College Unbound. The conversation —"Generative AI and Higher Education: Disruption, Opportunities, and Challenges"— offered many different highlights, and the students brought rich thoughts, provocative considerations, and smart ideas, reinforcing the fact that discussions around what to do about generative AI (or about anything else, for that matter) are enhanced when students are involved. Toward the end of the panel conversation, Stan asked the students what they thought could be done to help faculty, students, and staff navigate the rise of AI. Essentially, he was curious to hear about the roles that technology and other leaders could fulfill. After thinking about their answers and engaging in further reflection, we came up with ten suggestions for how to step up and in to the generative AI discussion in higher education.
Brian Basgen EDUCAUSE (15/08/2023)
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is in a renaissance amid a profusion of new discoveries and a breathless frenzy to keep up with emergent developments. Yet understanding the current state of technology requires understanding its origins. With the state of AI science changing quickly, we should first take a breath and establish proper footings. To help, this article provides a reading list relevant to the form of generative AI that led to natural language processing (NLP) models such as ChatGPT.
Me reúno con Sutskever, cofundador y director científico de OpenAI, en las oficinas de su empresa en una anodina calle del Mission District de San Francisco (California, EE UU). El objetivo es que comparta sus previsiones sobre el futuro de una tecnología mundialmente conocida, y en cuyo desarrollo ha tenido mucho que ver. También quiero saber qué cree que será lo próximo en llega y, en particular, por qué la construcción de la próxima generación de los modelos generativos insignia de OpenAI ya no es el centro de su trabajo. En lugar de construir el próximo GPT o el creador de imágenes DALL-E, Sutskever cuenta que su nueva prioridad es averiguar cómo impedir que una superinteligencia artificial, una hipotética tecnología futura que ve llegar con la previsión de un verdadero creyente, se rebele.


