Bibliografía - inglés

Teaching second-language (L2) culture is problematic due to the possibility of creating stereotypes and overgeneralizations about the target culture. Several researchers have proposed raising an awareness of first-language culture (C1) at the same time they raise that of the second language (C2), to promote a “relative” view of the C2. The objective is for learners to recognize themselves and others as “socially constructed”. We propose learning culture through activities based on surveys completed by native speakers (NS) that can lead learners to a deeper understanding of L2 cultural perspectives and practices. To illustrate this approach, target culture data (e.g., folk medicines used or the kinds of housing students live in) were obtained via a questionnaire completed by 154 native-speaker university students in Spain, Peru, Mexico and Argentina. These data were used to create activities asking L2 Spanish learners to (1) compare their own answers to those of the NS, (2) seek an understanding of why the NS responded that way, (3) react in a similar situation in the target culture and language, using NS perspectives and practices, and (4) do research with heritage speakers in their community. In this way, they can develop an “emic” or “insider's perspective” on L2 cultural views, practices, and values.


La enseñanza de cultura en una segunda lengua (L2) puede resultar problemática por la posibilidad de crear estereotipos y generalizaciones excesivas sobre la cultura meta. Varios investigadores han propuesto potenciar la sensibilización hacia la cultura de la primera lengua (C1) al mismo tiempo que se fomenta el interés respecto a la de la segunda lengua (C2), a fin de promover una visión “relativa” de la C2. El objetivo es que los aprendices se reconozcan a sí mismos y reconozcan a otras personas como individuos “socialmente construidos”. Nosotros proponemos aprender cultura mediante actividades basadas en encuestas con hablantes nativos (NS) que puedan facilitar entre los aprendices una comprensión más profunda de las perspectivas y prácticas culturales de la L2. Para ilustrar este enfoque, obtuvimos datos de la cultura meta (p.ej., medicinas tradicionales de uso habitual o tipos de vivienda en que los estudiantes suelen residir) a través de un cuestionario con 154 hablantes nativos que cursan estudios universitarios en España, Perú, México y Argentina. Usamos estos datos para crear actividades en que se pedía a los aprendices de español como L2 que (1) comparasen sus propias respuestas a las ofrecidas por los NS; (2) tratasen de comprender el porqué de las respuestas de los NS; (3) reaccionasen a una situación similar en la cultura y lengua metas, procurando emplear perspectivas y prácticas propias de los NS, y (4) llevasen a cabo una investigación con hablantes de herencia en su comunidad. De este modo, los aprendices pueden desarrollar una perspectiva “émica” (“desde adentro”) sobre puntos de vista, prácticas y valores culturales en la L2.

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The educational impact of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies, such as ChatGPT, has received significant attention. We use the TPACK framework to discuss the types of knowledge teachers require to effectively use GenAI tools. We highlight the qualities of GenAI that make it like other digital technologies (they are protean, opaque, and unstable) as well as qualities that make it revolutionary (namely, they are generative and social). We describe how these traits affect specific knowledge domains (TK, TPK, TCK, XK, and TPACK) and explore implications for educators. Finally, we argue for a more expansive description of Contextual Knowledge (XK), going beyond the immediate context to include considerations of how GenAI will change individuals, society and, through that, the broader educational context.

Language corpora can play a significant role in second language education, particularly given the benefits of data-driven learning. However, most teachers are not able to effectively utilize technologies that search, summarize, and contextualize corpus samples and lack training in the design and implementation of corpus-based learning tasks and materials. Even though attempts to implement formal teacher training in these areas have started to emerge, they tend to concentrate on English language contexts. Similar experiences in Spanish teacher education are almost non-existent, even though digital literacy is a key competency in the preparation of foreign language teachers. Consequently, Spanish language teachers can only rely on general suggestions on how to integrate corpus methods and resources into their practice. This article reviews the scholarly literature on teacher training on pedagogical uses of corpora and describes ways in which Spanish pre- and in-service teachers can be trained in the use of corpus tools.


Los corpus pueden jugar un papel importante en la formación de docentes de lenguas, sobre todo, por los beneficios del aprendizaje basado en datos de corpus. Sin embargo, el profesorado encuentra difícil utilizar efectivamente las tecnologías de búsqueda, resumen y contextualización de muestras lingüísticas al carecer de preparación en el diseño e implementación de actividades y materiales basados en corpus. Si bien están surgiendo modelos de formación docente, estos se concentran principalmente en la enseñanza del inglés. Experiencias similares en español son prácticamente inexistentes, a pesar de que la literacidad digital es una competencia clave en la preparación de docentes de segundas lenguas. Consecuentemente, el profesorado cuenta solamente con recomendaciones generales para integrar información de los corpus en la enseñanza. En este artículo se hace una revisión de estudios relevantes sobre la materia y se describen técnicas para el uso de los corpus por parte de docentes en formación y en servicio.

VV. AA. (2022)

This edited book expands the current scholarship on teaching world languages for social justice and equity in K-12 and postsecondary contexts in the US. Over the past decade, demand has been growing for a more critical approach to teaching languages and cultures: in response, this volume brings together a group of scholars whose work bridges the fields of world language education and critical approaches to education. Within the current US context, the chapters address the following key questions: (1) How are pre-service or in-service world language teachers/professors embedding issues, understandings, or content related to social justice, human rights, access, critical pedagogy and equity into their teaching and curriculum? (2) How are teacher educators preparing language teachers to teach for social justice, human rights, access and equity?



Editors' Note

Chapter 1. Cassandra Glynn and Beth Wassell: Rethinking our Introduction: Calling out Ourselves and Calling in Our Field            

Part 1: Disrupting Teaching Stance and Practice in the Classroom         

Chapter 2. Hannah Baggett: What Tension?  Exploring a Pedagogy of Possibility in World Language Classrooms

Chapter 3. Dorie Conlon Perugini and Manuela Wagner: Enacting Social Justice in World Language Education through Intercultural Citizenship

Chapter 4. Joan Clifford: Building Critical Consciousness through Community-based Language Learning and Global Health

Chapter 5. Krishauna Hines-Gaither, Nina Simone Perez, and Liz Torres Melendez: Voces Invisibles: Disrupting the Master Narrative with Afro Latina Counterstories

Chapter 6. Johanna Ennser-Kananen and Leisa M. Quiñones-Oramas: 'Sí, yo soy de Puerto Rico': A Teacher's Story of Teaching Spanish through and beyond her Latina Identity

Part 2: Resisting and Reworking Traditional World Language Teacher Preparation

Chapter 7. Terry Osborn: 'The World' Language Education: New Frontiers for Critical Reflection

Chapter 8. Anke al-Bataineh, Kayane Yoghoutjian, and Samuel Chakmakjian: Can Western Armenian Pedagogy be Decolonial? Training Heritage Language Teachers in Social Justice-Based Language Pedagogy

Chapter 9. Mary Curran: Learning from, with and in the Community: Community-Engaged World Language Teacher Education at Rutgers Graduate School of Education Urban Social Justice Program

Chapter 10. Jennifer Wooten, L. J. Randolph Jr., and Stacey Margarita Johnson: Enacting Social Justice in Teacher Education: Modeling, Reflection and Critical Engagement in the Methods Course


This article argues for translation as a fifth skill in language learning and for its integration in a systematic, purposeful, and informed manner in the Spanish language curriculum, with special attention to the situation in the United States. After reviewing the relevant literature in the fields of translation studies (TS) and language acquisition and teaching, we contend that a narrow, specialized, and one-dimensional view of translation, on the translation side, and a rigid ban on the use of the native language on the part of the SLA/teaching community prevented a fruitful integration of translation in the second language (L2) classroom. A broader conceptual definition of translation as cross-linguistic language mediation provides for a much more promising interaction. Taking this conceptual basis as the point of departure, the article suggests research directions as well as specific curricular ideas and strategies to implement the integration of translation in Spanish language teaching. It also highlights the benefits that can be derived from this reconceptualization of the field, e.g., an improved ability to prepare students and to address a much more complex language learning situation created by issues such as globalization, and increased immigration from/to Spanish-speaking countries


Este artículo defiende la conceptualización de la traducción como una quinta destreza en el aprendizaje de lenguas y la necesidad de su integración de forma sistemática, estratégica y bien fundada en la enseñanza del español, con un enfoque especial en la situación de Estados Unidos. Tras pasar revista a la literatura en estudios de traducción y de adquisición y enseñanza del español, sostenemos que los factores que han frenado la incorporación de la traducción en la enseñanza de lenguas han sido, por una parte, una visión de la traducción excesivamente especializada y unidimensional y, por otra, la prohibición del uso de la lengua materna en el campo de la enseñanza y adquisición de lenguas. Una conceptualización más amplia de la traducción como proceso de mediación interlingüística constituye la base sobre la que se puede fundamentar una interacción más prometedora. Tomando como punto de partida esta definición, este artículo propone líneas de investigación y sugerencias curriculares para integrar la práctica de la traducción en la clase de español. Además, se enfatizan los beneficios que se pueden derivar de tal visión del campo, tales como la formación de profesionales mejor preparados y la capacidad de afrontar un panorama lingüístico mucho más complejo, resultado de la globalización y del aumento de la migración de países de habla hispana.

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En la última década, las posibilidades que ofrecen hoy las TIC han aumentado drásticamente la exposición de los estudiantes a diversos textos digitales que utilizan o a los que están expuestos cuando adquieren una lengua extranjera. Los medios impresos se han visto complementados o incluso a veces sustituidos por los medios digitales en todos los niveles de la enseñanza, incluidos los planes de estudio de la enseñanza superior y universitaria. En los últimos tiempos se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones sobre el papel de los medios digitales en la adquisición de L2 y este artículo pretende resumir sistemáticamente los resultados de dichas investigaciones, centrándose específicamente en la comprensión lectora. Esta revisión sistemática sigue las directrices PRISMA (Page et al., 2021). Se han recopilado y analizado los estudios de 2010-2021 de Scopus y de Web of Science que tratan el tema. Sólo se han incluido en la búsqueda estudios experimentales en artículos de revistas de investigación revisados por pares. Aplicando este protocolo de revisión, se seleccionaron 15 trabajos para realizar una síntesis. Los resultados se clasificaron en: (a) efecto de los medios en la comprensión lectora, (b) implicaciones pedagógicas, (c) futuras direcciones de investigación. El estudio concluye con algunas discusiones e implicaciones para investigadores y profesionales desde dos perspectivas: la adquisición básica o fundamental de segundas lenguas (FSLA, en sus siglas en inglés) y la adquisición instruida de segundas lenguas (ISLA, en sus siglas inglés).


The current affordances of ICT have – in the past decade – dramatically increased the exposure of students to the number of various digital texts they use or are exposed to when acquiring an additional language. The print media has been supplemented or even sometimes substituted by the digital media at all levels of education, including higher education and university curricula. Various research has recently been conducted into the role of digital media in L2 acquisition and this paper attempts to systematically summarize the results of this research, with a specific focus on reading comprehension. This systematic review follows the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al., 2021). The 2010-2021 studies from Scopus and the Web of Science dealing with the topic have been collected and analysed. Only experimental studies in peer-reviewed research journal papers have been included in the search. By applying this protocol review, 15 papers were selected for a synthesis. The results were classified as: (a) effect of media on reading comprehension, (b) pedagogical implications, (c) future research directions. The study concludes with some discussion and implications for researchers and practitioners from two perspectives: basic or fundamental Second Language Acquisition (FSLA) and instructed Second Language acquisition (ISLA).

As language departments increasingly face enrollment concerns, empirical research can provide insights regarding students’ reasons to study Spanish. Motivation has a key influence in learners’ success and can be internal (e.g., an intrinsic desire or passion for learning) or external (e.g., imposed by others). This study examined motivational factors (motives) for students (N = 149) enrolled in the first required, last required, and first elective Spanish undergraduate courses. Seven motivational categories were examined: Integrative, Instrumental, Intrinsic, Ideal self, Ought-to self, Wish for language proficiency, and Political context. Results at all levels showed that Wish for language fluency was the principal motivator while factors stemming from external motivations were less important. Students in the elective course displayed more intrinsic motivation and reported enjoying the challenge of learning Spanish. The discussion explores the implementation of carefully designed proficiency assessments, task-based instruction, and service-learning initiatives to stimulate motivation.


Dado que los departamentos de lenguas se enfrentan cada vez más a un descenso en el número de matrículas, la investigación empírica puede aportar información sobre las razones de los estudiantes para estudiar español. La motivación ejerce una influencia significativa en el éxito de los estudiantes, en su vertiente interna (p. ej., un deseo intrínseco o la pasión por aprender) o externa (p. ej., impuesta por otros factores). El presente estudio examinó los factores motivacionales de los estudiantes (N = 149) matriculados en el primer curso de español obligatorio, el último obligatorio y el primer curso opcional en una universidad norteamericana. Se examinaron siete categorías motivacionales: integrativa, instrumental, intrínseca, “yo ideal”, sentimiento de obligación, deseo de dominio del idioma y contexto político. Los resultados muestran que el deseo de dominio del idioma fue el principal factor de motivación, siendo los factores que representan motivaciones externas los más bajos. Los estudiantes en el curso opcional también mostraron más motivación intrínseca y disfrutaron del desafío de aprender español. La discusión presenta varias formas de estimular la motivación, incluida la implementación de instrucción basada en tareas e iniciativas de aprendizaje-servicio.

This study focuses on understanding language teachers’ lived experiences of their stressors and positive uplifts from a holistic perspective covering their professional lives in school, their personal lives beyond, and the connection between the two. The aim was to explore the nature of teachers’ experiences of stress and how they spilled over from work into home domains. We also were keen to understand the dynamics of their experiences of stress and how their perception of daily stressors was related to their overall sense of wellbeing as well as their life and chronic stressors. The data were collected via a specially created app, which collected survey data and experience sampling method (ESM) data from language teachers across the globe. Teachers’ wellbeing was investigated using the PERMA Profiler (Butler & Kern, 2016), their personality using Goldberg’s (1992) Big Five measurement tool, and a questionnaire on chronic stressors and stressful life events. From a larger sample (n = 47), a set of 6 case studies of teachers who scored highly for wellbeing and those who scored low on wellbeing was examined to explore in depth and across time, the relationships between overall wellbeing, chronic stressors and stressful life events, the experience of daily stressors, and perceptions of health. The findings point to the complexity of the relationships between stress, wellbeing, and health as well as the dynamism of stress and the relationships between stress experienced in the workplace and at home. The study has important implications for research in this area and reveals the merits of working with this innovative data collection tool.

This study investigated whether second language (L2) classroom instruction that incorporates a principled approach into the use of the first language (L1) by students and instructors has an effect on beginning learners’ development of L2 speaking and writing proficiency, compared to L2-only instruction, over the course of one semester. Participants were 54 students of Spanish enrolled in six sections of a university-level Elementary Spanish course. The six intact classes, exposed to the same task-based curriculum, were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (–L1 and +L1). For the –L1 group, instruction and interaction were conducted exclusively in the L2, whereas instruction and interaction in the +L1 group included specific uses of the L1. A pretest–posttest design was used to measure change in speaking and writing proficiency. Effects were assessed using the STAMP 4 test, a standardized measure of proficiency. Results indicated that courses under both conditions promoted improvements in speaking and writing. However, students in the +L1 condition improved significantly more than those in the control –L1 group, both in speaking and writing. This points to a potentially more important role for the L1 in the development of an L2. Pedagogical implications are discussed, and directions for further research are offered.

VV. AA. (2019)

This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the benefits of using moving images and films to develop intercultural awareness and promote multilingualism, and suggest Audiovisual Translation (AVT) activities and projects to enhance language learning. The book will be a valuable continuing professional development resource for language teachers and those involved in curriculum development, as well as bringing the latest research, theory and pedagogical techniques to teacher training courses.

Carmen Herrero and Isabelle Vanderschelden: Introduction

Part I. Film Literacy and Languages

Chapter 1. Kieran Donaghy: Using Film to Teach Languages in a World of Screens

Part II. Multilingualism, Intercultural Awareness and Competence

Chapter 2. Brian Tomlinson: Developing Intercultural Awareness through Reflected Experience of Films and Other Visual Media

Chapter 3. Isabella Seeger: Addressing 'Super-Diversity' in the Language Classroom through Film and Peer-Generated YouTube Content

Chapter 4. Anne-Laure Dubrac : Playing the Part: Media Re-Enactments as Tools for Learning Second Languages

Part III. Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling

Chapter 5. Melissa Cokely and Carmen Muñoz: Vocabulary Acquisition through Captioned Videos and Visual Prompts

Chapter 6. Joan C. Mora and Eva Cerviño-Povedano: The Effects of Bimodal L2 Input on the Processing of Function Words by Spanish EFL Learners: an Eye-Tracking Study

Chapter 7. Anca Daniela Frumuselu: A Friend in Need Is a Film Indeed'. Teaching Colloquial Expressions through Television Series and Subtitling

Chapter 8. Rosa Alonso Pérez: Enhancing Student Motivation through Film Subtitling Projects

Chapter 9. Juan Pedro Rica Peromingo and Ángela Sáenz Herrero: Audiovisual Translation (AVT) Modes as a L2 Learning Pedagogical Tool: Traditional Modes and Linguistic Accessibility

Part IV. Teacher Training and Resources

Chapter 10. Jelena Bobkina and Elena Dominguez: Teaching the Teachers: Double Proposals/Film-based Teaching in Higher Education

Chapter 11. Mark Goodwin: An Analysis of The Success of the 'Cultural Topic' at A Level

Chapter 12. Stavroula Sokoli and Patrick Zabalbeascoa Terrán: Clipflair In Language Learning: Theory and Practice

Afterword. Carmen Herrero: Present and Future Directions for Video, Film and Audiovisual Media in Language Teaching

Este artículo examina la selección de vocabulario de cuatro libros de texto en español publicados por importantes editoriales en los Estados Unidos. El análisis se centra principalmente en los capítulos que presentan: 1) los verbos regulares; y 2) el vocabulario de la comida. Los capítulos correspondientes a los temas mencionados se analizaron en cada libro de texto usando AntConc y AntWordProfiler con el fin de obtener información sobre: 1) el número de repeticiones de cada palabra; y 2) la frecuencia de estas palabras. Los resultados revelan que la frecuencia léxica de las palabras no se toma en cuenta a la hora de seleccionar el vocabulario, ya que palabras de alta frecuencia se repiten una sola vez por capítulo. Esto muestra una deficiencia en el aprendizaje y enseñanza de vocabulario en los libros de texto de ELE. Sin embargo, hay diferencias notables entre los dos tipos de capítulos analizados, las cuales se deben tomar en cuenta al momento de decidir el tipo de vocabulario apropiado para cada capítulo.


This article examines vocabulary selection and treatment in four beginner Spanish textbooks from major publishers in the US, specifically in the chapters that focused on: 1) regular verbs; and 2) food vocabulary. The corresponding chapters from each book were analyzed using AntConc and AntWordProfiler in order to get information about: 1) the number of times each different word is repeated; and 2) how frequent these words are in Spanish. Results revealed that lexical frequency is not the guiding principle in textbook vocabulary selection and that even highly frequent and relevant words are generally repeated only once per chapter, which indicates a deficient approach to vocabulary learning and teaching in mainstream L2 Spanish textbooks. Nonetheless, differences arise between the two types of chapters and pedagogical proposals should take such differences into account when making general suggestions about what vocabulary should be introduced in the textbooks and how it needs to be treated.

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Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction presents an approach to teaching pronunciation which aims for learners to internalize the “voices” (complexes of linguistic and non-linguistic features that embody particular speakers’ emotion, social stance, and group identification) of proficient speakers of the second language (L2). Beginning with a review of “bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches to second language acquisition (SLA) research and pronunciation teaching, the authors present previously published and new findings in interlanguage phonology and variationist approaches to SLA showing the powerful impact of sociolinguistic context on L2 pronunciation. On the basis of this review, the authors argue that a top-down approach which begins with social context is preferable in both the research and teaching of L2 pronunciation. They highlight the Mirroring Project as one such approach that includes the social factors impacting L2 pronunciation, such as interlocutor, empathy, and nonverbal elements. With accompanying instructional activities that have been used in a variety of teaching and learning settings in the U.S., the authors demonstrate how this project can help language learners modify their L2 pronunciation patterns and improve their intelligibility as they internalize and channel the voices of speakers they have selected as models.

The audience for the volume includes language teachers, particularly those desiring to use top-down pedagogical approaches like the Mirroring Project to improve learners’ intelligibility, and academic researchers interested in studying the way adults can acquire second language phonology by holistically adopting and channeling the voices of speakers they admire. The book is also of potential interest to language teacher educators, curriculum developers, and textbook writers.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction

Chapter 2
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Theories of Second-Language Acquisition 

Chapter 3
Top-Down Research on Interlanguage Phonology

Chapter 4
Research on the Impact of Internalized Voices on Interlanguage Phonology 

Chapter 5
Top-Down Pronunciation Pedagogies with a Focus on Voice and Intelligibility 

Chapter 6
The Mirroring Project [+]92-132


The current study analyzes vowel quality production across the lexical factors of cognate status and timing of word introduction, the linguistic factor of vowel position (pre-tonic, tonic, or post-tonic), and individual factors including age of acquisition of Spanish and length of study abroad. Participants were 29 intermediate second language Spanish learners who completed an oral text reading task. Results found that learners pronounced vowels differently in early as compared to later introduced words and in tonic (stressed) position compared to unstressed (pre-tonic/post-tonic) position. However, cognate status and individual factors were in general not statistically significant. These results lead us to suggest that pronunciation instruction should ideally begin early in the acquisition process and include explanations of vowel production in unstressed syllables.


El presente estudio analiza la calidad de la producción vocálica en los factores léxicos de estatus de cognado, teniendo en cuenta cuándo se introdujo la palabra, el factor lingüístico de posición vocálica (pretónica, tónica o postónica), y algunos factores individuales como la edad de adquisición del español y la duración de estudios en el extranjero. En el experimento participaron 29 estudiantes de nivel intermedio de español como L2 que completaron una prueba de lectura oral de un texto. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes pronunciaban las vocales de manera diferente en las palabras introducidas temprano en comparación con las que fueron introducidas más tarde, y en posición tónica comparada con la átona (pretónica/postónica). El estatus de cognado y las variables independientes, por lo general, no fueron estadísticamente significativos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que para reforzar el proceso de adquisición de una L2, la enseñanza de la pronunciación debería comenzar temprano e incluir además explicaciones explícitas sobre la producción vocálica en las sílabas átonas.


Revisión de la teoría de la gramática universal de Chomsky.

Así se presenta el vídeo en TED-Ed:

Language is endlessly variable. Each of us can come up with an infinite number of sentences in our native language, and we’re able to do so from an early age— almost as soon as we start to communicate in sentences. How is this possible? In the early 1950s, Noam Chomsky proposed a theory that the key to this versatility was grammar. Cameron Morin details Chomsky's theory of universal grammar.

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An artificial intelligence-based chatbot, ChatGPT, was launched in November 2022 and is capable of generating cohesive and informative human-like responses to user input. This rapid review of the literature aims to enrich our understanding of ChatGPT’s capabilities across subject domains, how it can be used in education, and potential issues raised by researchers during the first three months of its release (i.e., December 2022 to February 2023). A search of the relevant databases and Google Scholar yielded 50 articles for content analysis (i.e., open coding, axial coding, and selective coding). The findings of this review suggest that ChatGPT’s performance varied across subject domains, ranging from outstanding (e.g., economics) and satisfactory (e.g., programming) to unsatisfactory (e.g., mathematics). Although ChatGPT has the potential to serve as an assistant for instructors (e.g., to generate course materials and provide suggestions) and a virtual tutor for students (e.g., to answer questions and facilitate collaboration), there were challenges associated with its use (e.g., generating incorrect or fake information and bypassing plagiarism detectors). Immediate action should be taken to update the assessment methods and institutional policies in schools and universities. Instructor training and student education are also essential to respond to the impact of ChatGPT on the educational environment.

